Imagine Lavender Fields , 2021
15 x 30 x 1.5 in (h x w x d)
# Acrylic on canvas
for sale

For inquiries and interests about the painting, contact Lichtundfire Gallery in Manhattan, NYC. See link:

Ausgestellt von

Vian Borchert Gallery

Weitere Kunstwerke von Vian Borchert

Sea Mist , 2023
15 x 30 x 1.5 in (h x w x d)
# Acrylic on canvas
VB Contemporary
To Happy Clouds , 2023
36 x 36 x 1.5 in (h x w x d)
Acrylic on Canvas
VB Contemporary
Overcast , 2023
36 x 36 x 1.5 in (h x w x d)
Acrylic on canvas
Vian Borchert Gallery
Two Happy Clouds , 2023
36 x 36 x 1.5 in (h x w x d)
Acrylic on canvas
Vian Borchert Gallery
Sea Mist , 2023
15 x 30 x 1.5 in (h x w x d)
Acrylic on canvas
Vian Borchert Gallery

Mehr von Vian Borchert Gallery

Lavender Shadows , 2021
15 x 30 x 1.5 in (h x w x d)
# Acrylic on canvas
Vian Borchert Gallery
Distant Lavender Fields , 2021
15 x 30 x 1.5 in (h x w x d)
# Acrylic on canvas
Vian Borchert Gallery
Lavender Fields Forever , 2021
15 x 30 x 1.5 in (h x w x d)
# Acrylic on canvas
Vian Borchert Gallery
Imagine Lavender Fields , 2021
15 x 30 x 1.5 in (h x w x d)
# Acrylic on canvas
Vian Borchert Gallery
16 x 20 x 1 in (h x w x d)
# Acrylic on canvas
Vian Borchert Gallery