825 QR Code Face
5 x 4.3 x 1 in (h x w x d)
200 USD
3D printed collage drawing
for sale

These are 3D printed sculptures designed on an iPad in a 3D modeling program and printed on a 3D printer from a 2D slicing program. These miniature sculptures are downloaded and uploaded, changed, downloaded and uploaded several times until they are complete. I have been working in 3D printing for over 5 years. I was working in 3D printing before the pandemic and then only worked in 3D printing since.

The ideas I use are time, health, home, family, people, houses, space, depression, stress, color, death, symbols, expressions, and QR codes within the outline of a face. All my artwork has always been self-portraits of where I am in my mind in this world at the time they are made. Using the face and human body is what holds the work together as self portraits of me.

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