Vote , 2020
72 x 144 x 1 in (h x w x d)
Acrylic on Plywood

This piece was originally painted on the windows of BBar on E 4th St. in The East Village, NYC.
"The piece was inspired by our last presidential election. I wanted people to understand how important each vote. At the time I was feeling extremely stuck and frustrated by the current political situation." - Kamila Zmrzla
As an artist Zmrzla is deeply influenced by her childhood in Czechoslovakia. The patterns and clothes of life from the Czech Republic form a base imprinted beneath consciousness that permeates everything she makes . The traditional Czech folklore and costumes, belts and collars, bohemian shirts and trousers, as well as Czech ceramics and paintings that take inspiration from Art Nouveau are at the root of her vocabulary. The bold patterning, designs and florals are especially important, including her grandfather’s painted botanicals. Her work today is in conversation with the Nomad mixed with the Czecho-American.

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