Third temple Kodesh gate : "Midrash Malrhei Beith David" , 2022
154 x 204 x 4 cm (h x w x d)
5000 EUR
deep learning, AI, GAN
[Genesis 17]

The king Thora learning hall is a place connected to the holy hall accessed only by the priests. Ten pillars of bronze (Airain) with gold and silver words from the Old Testament. At the center are two pillars one with the name Boaz and the other with the name Yarhin representing the tribe of Yehuda and Binyamin. On the gate is a gold and crystal Sun with the letters "lamed" and "Beith" which means heart in Hebrew. On the top is a mythological creature painted in oil with the name "Israel". In the Talmud, Rabbi Akiva saw in a vision an angelic creature with the name Israel on his front.

In this piece, I try to describe king David's family hall in which in ancient times the kings were speaking words of thora to the people.

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