Crossing Line , 2022
183 x 137 cm (h x w)
woven cotton yarn

‘Crossing Line’, was part of a new series of Bespoke tapestries produced as a further study into the woven form and storytelling of the Chinese diasporic communities around Sydney. With the works I choose to recontextualise traditional graphic sensibilities, architectural forms and decorative embellishments to bridge the gap between cultural generations and shared stories of change within his local ‘Ryde’ community.
Growing up in 90’s Ryde and living in Eastwood I have been raised at the cultural crossroads of Chinese, Korean and Australian Suburbia.
‘Crossing Line’ refers to my immediate living Community of Eastwood, Sydney. I am fascinated by the geographical train station acting as the dividing line between the generational Korean and Chinese Communities. As I live between and have been influenced by both communities, I wish to harmonise the relationship between the two, borrowing from mixed cultural ornamentation and composition, referencing the principles of national flag and colour.

Crossing Line是定制挂毯新作品系列之⼀,该系列通过编织艺术进一步尝试性的表现了悉尼华⼈移⺠社区故事。我的作品将传统的图形元素、建筑形式和装饰点缀重新诠释,弥合⽂化世代之间差异,同时讲述莱德社区对演变的故事。
Crossing Line 指的是我在悉尼伊斯特伍德的⽇常⽣活圈。这⾥,⽕车站是中韩社区的分界线,这⼀直都让我着迷。由于⽣活在两个社区之间,我长期受到两个社区的影响,我的⽬标是希望通过借鉴不同⽂化的装饰元素,参考国旗和颜⾊特征,促进两种⽂化之间的交流融洽。

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