Relativeness , 2022
100 x 66 cm (h x w)
1000 AUD
archival photograph on matte paper
for sale

The objects in the image have been selected based on their form and semiotics in reference to spirituality. They are protagonists, performing a dream sequence, documented in the form of poetry, as the title suggests.
According to Newton, time occurs in a sequence; Einstein questions this with his theory of relativity. The object acts as an observational tool, as if time feels faster or slower. Repetition and colour heighten this distinction and guides you through a surreal sense of time.
Influenced by surrealism, psychoanalysis and theory of relativity, this work merges the techniques of collage and chronography, to investigate the absurd state of being when we dream and a multidimensional definition of time.

Other works by Jing Ping (平敬)

8 hours: Cinema , 2022
110 x 66 cm (h x w)
archival photograph on matte paper
The Arts Collective - Chinese Museum

More from The Arts Collective - Chinese Museum

Shadow Spaces of Home , 2022
Acrylic and inkjet print on acetate
The Arts Collective - Chinese Museum
Through Time And Space Introduction
224.5 x 158.7 x 3 cm (h x w x d)
The Arts Collective - Chinese Museum
Hurt , 2021
216 x 384 x 3 cm (h x w x d)
The Arts Collective - Chinese Museum
1000 armed Sound Perceiver (千手觀音) , 2021
The Arts Collective - Chinese Museum
Vase with design by Johnny Bulunbulun , 2010
37 x 27 x 8 cm (h x w x d)
The Arts Collective - Chinese Museum