Craftsman making candies , 2016
106.7 x 160 cm (h x w)
for sale

This man is making candies in the downtown of Mandalay, Myanmar's second largest city. The workers boil sugar in a large pot and then cool it to make sticky starch syrup. Then they add colorant and stretch the candy with their hands to mix it with air for better texture. They shout “Ayer!” as they pull hard on the candy. The way they worked was both dynamic and beautiful. (Mandalay, Myanmar 2016)

Other works by Masashi Mitsui

Melted iron , 2016
106.7 x 160 cm (h x w)
Photographers Associates Tokyo
Traditional style , 2019
106.7 x 160 cm (h x w)
Photographers Associates Tokyo
Traditional way of grinding , 2019
106.7 x 160 cm (h x w)
Photographers Associates Tokyo
Strong rays of cotton mill , 2018
106.7 x 160 cm (h x w)
Photographers Associates Tokyo
Washing cotton threads , 2018
106.7 x 160 cm (h x w)
Photographers Associates Tokyo

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Melted iron , 2016
106.7 x 160 cm (h x w)
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Craftsman making candies , 2016
106.7 x 160 cm (h x w)
Photographers Associates Tokyo