Close Encounters , 2020
14 x 11 in (h x w)
Ink pen

Inspired by the Barney and Betty Hill abductions, this ink drawing represents the reality of UFO's visiting our world. The car encapsulates the contrast between our technology and theirs.

Other works by Isabella Penney

Out of This World!
9 x 6 in (h x w)
Pen and Ink
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
14 x 11 in (h x w)
Pen and Ink
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
The Truth is Here , 2020
11 x 14 in (h x w)
Ink pen
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Outta this World! , 2020
9 x 6 in (h x w)
Ink pen
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Phenomenon , 2020
11 x 14 in (h x w)
Ink pen
Massachusetts College of Art and Design

More from Massachusetts College of Art and Design

Untitled , 2021
12 x 9 in (h x w)
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Happiness String , 2021
12 x 11.7 in (h x w)
Colored Paper, Roma Plastilina, string, cardboard
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
SELF , 2021
14 x 10.9 in (h x w)
Mixed media paper, Micron 08 Archival Ink, Graphic 3 Archival Ink
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Sassy Lady , 2021
14 x 10 in (h x w)
Fabric/Hot Glue
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Nanners , 2021
12 x 9.9 in (h x w)
digital drawing
Massachusetts College of Art and Design