Ifrah and Mary, Herstory & AkiDwA (Ireland) , 2021

Ifrah Ahmed came to Ireland from Somalia in 2006 as a teenager. From personal experience, she leant her voice to the Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) campaign in Ireland and Europe and later founded the Ifrah Foundation. She is one of the world's top international FGM/C eradication advocates and activists and recently, a film about her life was released called The Girl from Mogadishu. Mary Harney was born in a Mother and Baby Home and later incarcerated in an industrial school where she suffered almost daily beatings. She emigrated to London to try to find her mother, and later to America for further education where she became an activist. She is currently taking part in the Collaborative Forum for transitional justice for mothers and children that were institutionalized in Irelands’ notorious mother and baby units.

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60 x 54.5 in (h x w)
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65 x 54.5 in (h x w)
Fatme and unknown woman, Jerusalem Center for Women (Palestine) , 2021
65 x 54.5 in (h x w)