Kasie Campbell

I check to see if she’s still breathing | Je surveille sa respiration , 2020
h = 60 in
Digital photograph
heART of healthCARE
I'm going to live so long | Je vais vivre si longtemps , 2021
h = 60 in
Digital photograph
heART of healthCARE
When you were dying | Lorsque tu étais en train de mourir , 2020
h = 60 in
Digital photograph
heART of healthCARE
I panicked | J’ai paniqué , 2020
h = 60 in
Digital photograph
heART of healthCARE
My nipples were so badly cracked | Mes mamelons étaient tellement gercés , 2020
h = 60 in
Digital photograph
heART of healthCARE