Urban City , 2022
40 x 40 x 1 in (h x w x d)
8000 USD
oil on canvas
for sale

I am from a beautiful natural hill station with water falls and green forests from India, as a beauty seeker, traveling a lot outside India in recent times and I find inspiration in the beauty of the places I am blessed to see. My style is best expressed in my series of Abstract Cityscapes. They are vibrant with life and everything happening around them tells us a story that we can hear – once again with our eyes. Cities show character and life even on mute. So, presented here is my own sign language that depicts a city. Today, I dedicate this work to anyone who chooses to or must communicate through hands and eyes.

Plus de Art Impact® International

Ross Bridge Excavation , 2019
85 x 58 x 2 in (h x w x d)
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Art Impact® International
Ship of Fools 5 , 2024
82 x 120 x 2 in (h x w x d)
oil on canvas
Art Impact® International
Ahab’s Turn , 2019
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Art Impact® International
Hole in The Wall Gang 2 , 2023
72 x 66 x 2 in (h x w x d)
oil on canvas
Art Impact® International
Tasmanian Landscape Near Ross , 2019
74 x 60 x 2 in (h x w x d)
oil on canvas
Art Impact® International