Of Butterflies and Late Loves (Ode to Margaret's Memoirs) , 2021
98 x 53.5 x 5.5 cm (h x w x d)
4795 GBP
Cyanotype, handmade paper, Paper cut collage
for sale

This artwork was inspired by Victorian lepidopterist Margaret Fountaine. Described as anatural-born hunter: whether it was love, adventure or butterflies, her pursuit was relentlessand her energy legendary. She emerged from an unremarkable Victorian upbringing with anextraordinary drive to self determination which defined her entire life.Unconventional by nature, Fountaine was never cowed by society’s strictures, or by whatwas expected, this provided her with many exciting opportunities. The price of her freedomwas high but she never regretted her choices. A passionate lover and fearless individualist,her life was founded on the idiosyncratic determination to pursue her own path irrespectiveof convention.
Of Butterflies And Late Loves (Margaret’s Memoirs)was created by constructing a hand-cutcollage using female photographic portraiture, a renaissance style wig made of layeredphotographs of preserved butterfly specimens from my private collection.After coating the handmade paper with light-sensitive chemistry, they are left to dry in adark room. The large-scale negatives are contact printed onto the paper pieces by exposureto daylight (UV rays). The prints are then processed by thoroughly washing in water toremove any unexposed solution. They can then be hung to dry, developing to full densityPrussian blue after 24 hours. Once dried the individual butterflies are cut out and mountedonto the print to create a multi-layered, 3-dimensional paper cut artwork.

Exhibited by:

508 Gallery

Other works by Chloe McCarrick

Hypatia's Celestial Studies (Heavenly Heroine)
53 x 39 cm (h x w)
Under $1000