Greta Thunberg , 15/10/2021
50 x 40 x 2 cm (h x w x d)
acrylic on canvas

While the media seems to be most interested in Greta’s recent move to Stockholm in her own apartment, the real issue that she has pushed on the agenda of world leaders remains the climate crisis. It is so much easier to talk about her dogs and other personal matters, rather than what really concerns her. She is planning to travel to Glasgow to attend the United Nations Climate Change Conference and seems to be rather pessimistic about the outcome. For all pratical purposes, we as humanity still have not grasped the clear and present danger in its magnitude that is upon us. Why are we ignoring what science is warning us about? Some want us to believe that this is due to our technological inability, which is simply not true. It seems we fear the needed change more than the consequences from our inaction. Greta is my hero, because of her relentless effort to open our eyes, open our ears and her encouragement to open our mouth, until this runaway climate train is halted, hopefully before you know what hits the fan.

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