The Road To Freedom , 2023
254 x 300 x 4 cm (h x w x d)
12000 EUR
AI, deep learning
[Giloui ]

In Hassidic Judaism, the crossing of the Red Sea is often interpreted as a metaphorical representation of the spiritual journey of the Jewish people. According to Hassidic teachings, the journey from slavery in Egypt to freedom in the Promised Land represents the journey from spiritual bondage to spiritual liberation.
The crossing of the Red Sea is seen as a moment of great faith and trust in God, as the Israelites had to rely completely on God's power to part the waters and allow them to cross safely. This is seen as a model for the Jewish people to trust in God and have faith in His ability to guide and protect them on their spiritual journey.
Hassidic teachings also emphasize the idea that just as the Red Sea split to allow the Israelites to pass, so too can seemingly insurmountable obstacles in our own lives be overcome through faith and trust in God. The story of the crossing of the Red Sea is therefore seen as a powerful source of inspiration and encouragement for Jews throughout history, as they face challenges and struggles on their own spiritual journeys.

Exhibited by:

Philippe Bouaziz

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