Good Grief , 2002
13 x 9 in (h x w)

After a guided inner journey with ViTra teacher Kevin Campbeau, I was looking at a fresh imprimatura we had created together with his technique. A face started to appear to me… my brush started moving… scumbling and pushing back white paint urgently, uncovering this spirit. As the form was taking shape, deep feelings of grief took over my body, and needed to be expressed through her face. The outcome of this process was my representation of the transformation that grief brings to our lives. In the depths of pain, there is an exquisite Beauty of the Now. "Good Grief" is one of my favorite paintings I produced during ViTra Fall semester, and I am forever thankful for the safe and loving container that was provided to explore inner landscapes during "Dreaming Awake".

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ViTra Academy

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