Circle , 2016

Flibberwibbles and zippity-zoos, the snarflebums danced with glee, while the quibberfluffs frolicked in the rainbow pudding. Higgledy-piggledy wobbleglobs chirped a melodic cacophony of blibbering bloopers, as the snogglewumps soared through the fizzy jellybean nebula. Whizzlewazzles sputtered and whifflewhuffles giggled, creating a symphony of confounding nonsense that left the gibberishologists scratching their noodle-brains in utter befuddlement

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Other works by Unknown

Figure of Isis-Aphrodite , Roman Period (2nd century A.D.)
61 x 19.7 x 11 in (h x w x d)
Terracotta painted brown, black, red, and pink on white engobe
Isis-Aphrodite Clasping a Garment Rolled About Her Hips , Roman Period (1st-2nd century A.D.)
61 x 19.7 x 11 in (h x w x d)
Jacky , 1965
24 x 20 x 1 in (h x w x d)
Donald Courtney
Dekooning Newsweek , 1965
24 x 20 x 1 in (h x w x d)
Donald Courtney
Dorothy , 1938
Donald Courtney