emerge outstretched | Émerger tendu
129.6 x 230.4 in (h x w)
Video Performance (Excerpt)

Through practice-based research I’ve been examining breath and its effects on the regulatory systems in the body. The practice of breath work as a specific, intentional breathing exercise has me thinking about the unintentional circumstances of our breath. In researching polyvagal theory; the science of feeling safe, I acknowledge the role of the nervous system in healing. Breath work, which works to regulate the body's nervous system, is rooted in the understanding that a longer inhale energizes the body and increasing the exhale more than inhale grounds and relaxes the body. The exhale is an essential function of producing the spoken word. I am examining both the variation in breath based on what is said, and the effect of observing these differing breaths. Breath is the space between sentiments, where what we say lands and where we release control of our thoughts. What happens to us physically when we share our stories? I use the process of sharing our experiences through speech as a way of dispelling shame, of any degree, and inviting acceptance through recognition.
Gemma Crowe is a Vancouver-based interdisciplinary artist focusing on connection, expression, and community through embodiment and discursive practices. A trained dancer and videographer by trade, Crowe has most recently choreographed the evening-length Seasons: A Magical Musical, which debuted at the prestigious Centre in Vancouver for Performing Art and was offered a broadcast agreement with TELUS Optik TV on Demand for her short documentary, WAREHAUS: making it happen, following a local contemporary dance-duo. Gemma Crowe also runs G Project/Works, an authentic expression and creation initiative which connects the mediums of dance and film. Crowe is currently pursuing an MFA at Emily Carr University of Art and Design.

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