Timothy Syndrome , Jennifer Cahoon


Theodora looks like a normal two-year-old. Not quite able to speak yet, she still loves to sing and dance, as well as play her older sister’s keyboard. She is a very bright girl who loves to follow along with her older siblings and wants to be included in everything they are doing. She loves to be outdoors. Playing ball and exploring are favorites of hers on nice days.

She is also a very picky child. She does not like to be without a freshly poured glass of milk while she watches Sesame Street. Even if a glass has just been poured, she will require a new one be poured as the theme song plays. She does not like blankets on her when she sleeps. She does not like when her brother is acting wild and crazy, (which is quite common for a 3-year-old!).

~Courtney, Theodora’s Mom

Timothy Syndrome

Timothy syndrome (TS) is a rare genetic disorder characterized by a spectrum of problems that include an abnormally prolonged cardiac “repolarization” time. This refers to the process of returning heart cells to a resting state in preparation for the next heartbeat. The prolonged repolarization time predisposes individuals to abnormal heart rhythms, cardiac arrest, and sudden death. Other problems included in the TS spectrum are webbing of fingers and/or toes, structural heart abnormalities present at birth, a weakened immune system, developmental delays, and autism. Timothy syndrome was identified in 2004 by researchers at Children’s Hospital Boston, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of Utah, and University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy.

Artist: Jennifer Cahoon

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