Bereaved Dog
24 x 20 x 2 in (h x w x d)
520 USD
Oil on Canvas Panel
for sale

While I do not have a clinical disability, I am drawn to this subject because we all suffer in ways that are invisible to others, and I am interested in acknowledging these painful realities, rather than trying to put an invincible, perfect face on everything. I have battled depression my whole life. I am a fear-driven person and suffer from anxiety; I feel societal pressure to be perfect. I am always freaking out about the fact that we all have to die, so a lot of my paintings have to do with the frustration of being trapped in a mortal existence. The increasing aches and pains of aging underscore this dilemma to me every day, and make me seek out color and beauty, as well as the relief of laughter alongside the recognition of despair.

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Unbound Visual Arts

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