Song - "Tawuran"/ Brawl (duration: 1' 10")
30 x 30 cm (h x w)

bukan masalah kecil
berawal dari salah paham
berakhir sakit hati juga tidak aman
sakit hati juga tidak aman
bukan masalah kecil
kerusakan fasilitas dimanapun
mengakibatan pertumpahan darah
dan salah sasaran
ayo kawan
jauhi tawuran
mari kita jaga perdamaian
agar hidup aman dan tentram
ayo kawan jauhi tawuran 3 x
it's not a small problem
starting from a misunderstanding
ending in anger and hatred, also not safe
anger and hatred, also not safe
it's not a small problem
cause damage to facilities anywhere
result in bloodshed
and wrong target
come on friends
stay away from fights
let's keep the peace
to live safely and peacefully
Come on, friends, stay away from fights 3 x

Ausgestellt von

Mobile Arts for Peace (MAP)

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