Your Magnetic
Mixed Media

Your Magnetic,

50x40cm, Acrylic & metallic paint on blackout cloth. As the painting is made up of different surfaces, matt, gloss, metallic and the blackest black paint, the image is very subtle almost not there at all. Then it becomes highly visible as light reveals the many dimensions throughout the changing light of the day.

I am a painter and I use paint to capture the light, I am currently using the colour gold as it reflects the light, and black as it is a great spacious colour, almost like a void. The paintings are never static as they are interacting with patterns and symbols on the surface of the painting. As the series develops the shapes are too, I started with two dimensions, now I am painting three dimensions and feel there more dimensions to explore! The light causes structure to appear and disappear. The viewer has the desire to fix the now into an organised pattern, but the light shifts constantly expressing the inevitability of change.

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The FLUX Review

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