ART-i-ZEN , 2022
16 x 20 in (h x w)
1111 USD
Acrylic on canvas using Mischtechnik
for sale


Every story of art originates from the heART
An intention that fuels interconnection
With presence, compassion, inclusion and observation.
Embracing the self and the other,
Collaborating and co-creating an abundant life together.
Let's unite to build a regenerative future,
Being grateful to our divine intuitive nature.
This is the vision of the artisan or art-i-zen, as the process of creation initiates, liberates, teaches us patience and presence with no resistance and heARTfelt persistence.
The Global Craft Village is a co-living & co-creating self-sustainable community space for creators, growers, and collaborators from diverse modern and indigenous backgrounds. We grow our food and share the harvest with love. Regenerative energy from sources like solar, wind, water and biogas are cultivated & conserved. We incessantly learn skillful and graceful living from each other. Here in our global community we are grateful and heART centered. Healthy individuals building healthy systems and practices.
Lord Shiva, depicted as the divine cosmic dancer, is a symbol of eternal creation. He also portrays the relentless destruction of old obsolete patterns and habits alleviating us towards the birth of regeneration. With the damroo (an Indian pellet drum) in his right back hand and fire of the creation in the left back hand, he strikes the Abhaya (fearless) and Gajahastra (remover of obstacles) mudra. He conveys being calm and energetic at the same time performing the Tandava on a lotus crown.
The dragon and the phoenix symbolize auspiciousness and empowerment in the Chinese culture. They also represent the feminine (yin) and the masculine (yang). The appropriate balance and flow of these life force energies ensures a good state of physical and emotional health.

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ViTra Academy

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