Shahabah , 2022
Oil on canvas


Nida Merali originates from Pune, India where she obtained a Fine Arts degree from Pune University. She spent three decades in Dubai where she accredits the multicultural society for her inspiration to express different cultures through her art. Nida has a passion for creativity, painting, art and design. Every canvas created by Nida has a story to tell about life’s daily challenges. Her belief is that life is colorful, and each day an individual paints a new canvas. She goes by the quote, “You need to live in your idea or imagination to create it. Until you can feel it, you cannot create it!” Moreover, she carefully plans and positions every element to create a unique and intricate composition where one sees movement, flight, flow, expression, and feeling. A piece of herself is shared through every piece she creates, which makes her art one of a kind. In addition, she tries to inspire as many people as she can to follow their dreams just like she did by creating “magic”, spreading smiles, and touching hearts.

instagram: @nida_merali


Mix media on canvas; 16” x 20”

Through the critiquing of many individuals’ Islamic journey, Bilal ibn Rabah (“Bilal”) comes out to be one of the most important, magnificent, yet difficult journeys. Born in 580 AD, Bilal’s journey began as a slave for the Quraishi and being one of the first individuals to convert to Islam. Finally, he became one of the most trusted companions (Sahabah) and Treasurer to the Prophet Muhammad and the first Mu’azzin (person to recite the Azan). Therefore, the title and inspiration of the painting is “Sahabah”, meaning the companion or friend of the Prophet Muhammad.

Each of the five doves surrounding Bilal symbolize a member of the Ahl-al Bayat (the “Holy Five”) in Islam: Prophet Muhammad, Hazrat Ali, Hazrat Fatima, Hazrat Hassan and Hazrat Imam Hussain and represents the care, affection and attachment toward Bilal as well as peace and love. The use of brown, orange and purple colours in its various tones emphasize the hardships, resilience, and perseverance he had toward his faith and spirituality. The earthy shades not only speak to his warm character but are used to highlight the grounded connection he had to Islam and nature. Bilals’ smile affirms his constant support and contentment with Islam despite his many hardships throughout his life and significantly, the use of gold in this piece symbolizes the wealth offered to negotiate his freedom.

The artist resonates with Bilal, as she strives to be dedicated and passionate in her endeavours like the Sahaba. In every circumstance, she strives to work hard and regardless of any obstacles or trials she encounters, she takes them on with similar gratitude, and a smile. Moreover, connecting to her own personal faith and spirituality, the artist always takes the blessings of the Ahl-al Bayat before she starts any of her creations.

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