Separate Reincarnation
100 x 150 x 3 cm (h x w x d)
4320 GBP
Archival certified 12 colour HD printing

50x75 cm
NOT 100x150cm

Alex Fung is actively participates in various International photographers associations.
World's Top 10 Wedding Photographer - One Eyeland
China's Top 10 Wedding Photographer - One Eyeland
PPAC's Top 10 International Photographer
AsiaWPA's Top 20 Photographers of the year
Hong Kong's Top 10 Wedding Photographer - One Eyeland
WPE World's Top 100 Photographer
Alex was won more than 200 International photography award in 2018 - 2021.

Ausgestellt von

Influx Gallery

Mehr von Influx Gallery

100 x 80 cm (h x w)
Acrylic on canvas
Influx Gallery
60 x 90 cm (h x w)
Oil On Canvas
Influx Gallery
Lions Mane
82.8 x 66 cm (h x w)
The shaggy like shapes are made of porcelain clay. The color was achieved using coffee, tea, blueberries, mica, and salt. The tube at the bottom holds soil. The watercolor paper is made from 100% recycled post-consumer waste.
Influx Gallery