Undiagnosed , Law Blank

Malia & Callie

Malia and Callie are the lights of our lives. They light up every room they enter, make us laugh constantly, and give us unconditional love every single day. They have two of the strongest parents in the world, who care for them day in and day out and never give up. The girls were born with (what we think) is an extremely rare genetic disorder. Personally, I think the girls are just playing a trick on all of us because they are pretty smart and we just can't understand them ... yet.

The girls have been through thousands of tests, labs, scans, surgeries, hospital visits, and emergency room scares, with simply no answers. Against all odds, little Miss Malia just started walking a couple of months ago. Cal loves to bounce and is on the move (in her own way). The girls have each made huge strides over the last year, and we have been able to get a lot of their symptoms under control. However, the most frustrating part of this journey has been the "We don't know." Nobody knows what is causing the global development delay in the girls. There is no diagnosis, and the hardest part is there is no treatment plan. Doctors are simply treating their symptoms as they arise.

Three years ago, they were referred to the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland to be seen by a team of doctors and specialists who work with undiagnosed children.

~Alex, Malia & Callie’s Mom


Malia & Callie have a multitude of unexplained symptoms such as low muscle tone, blood sugar issues, food allergies, and the list goes on. They both have G-tubes to help administer food and medications.

Artist: Law Blank

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