Swasti Wonowidjojo (Indonesia) , 2022
74 x 65 cm (h x w)
2100 SGD
Acrylic on Canvas (Original)

Inspired by the book of Ruth and done in a cubist style. Ruth was a Moabite (Jordanian) woman who pledged to stay by the side of Naomi, her Israeli mother-in-law, after her husband passed away. Even afer Naomi returned to her homeland of Isael, Ruth followed her. Benefiting from a custom where landowners would leave leftover grain in the fields for those in need, Ruth picked up the leftover barley to feed the two of them.

Everyone, including herself, thought that was her lot in life. In spite of that, she was thankful for the little that she had: the opportunity to pick up leftovers and the fact that she still had her mother in law after losing her husband. Eventually, the story of Ruth met with a happy ending when she remarried Boaz, the owner of the field. To honour her spirit of loyalty and fidelity, Ruth was abundantly blessed her beyond her wildest imagination.

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