
"Journey" is an experimental animation combining metalsmithing, stop motion animation, video, and sound. Several programs including Dragonframe, Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, and Audacity were used to create the work. The piece is a reflection on how we relate to the natural world through a veil of technology and progress. Our protagonist, the chain, stretches out, feeling for place and space, discovering its surroundings, and reflecting on its origin. Born from the earth, further back from the stars, excavated by the hands of humanity and molded to their purpose. Entroy works at its edges and moves through its center as it transports the past into the future as the present breaks down and reassembles itself over and over again along the trace it leaves behind. Part of a molecular whole that is at once monumental and microscopic, fluid in even its solid state, conducting energy, structuring crystals, malleable, static. It is connected as we all are to the natural world around us.

Mehr von Touchstone Gallery, since 1976

12 x 12 in (h x w)
Acrylic on Mixed Media Paper
Touchstone Gallery, since 1976
Atmospheric Carbon
Touchstone Gallery, since 1976
24 x 26 in (h x w)
Touchstone Gallery, since 1976
Into Ashes , 2021
Touchstone Gallery, since 1976
The Burning Bush
24 x 36 in (h x w)
Touchstone Gallery, since 1976