Garden of the Mind
12 x 8 in (h x w)
#Mixed Media
not for sale

Julie Liger-Belair inspired collage
Julie Belair on her art: “Fairy tales, legends, dreams and the surreal worlds they evoke have always been a part of the human experience; a way to make sense of our surroundings and explain our fears. As a child these captured my imagination, weaving themselves into the fabric of my personality. Because of this I am today a collector at heart, constantly collecting fragments of ideas and objects, each with their own little stories to tell. Combining them in different ways in my work, they form new narratives and meanings.
I create mixed-media works using acrylic paint, wood, metal, Japanese paper and found images. I use Victorian era photographs I’ve collected over the years, finding that these, in of themselves, evoke imagined histories and feelings of nostalgia. Their serious and stern faces provide an ironic counterpoint to the humour and levity I try to inject into the work. Alternatively, my pieces make evident a playful fascination with all forms of iconography, creating alter-pieces for everyday life, making sacred of the mundane.”
Julie Liger-Belair lives in Toronto, where she attended the Ontario College of Art and Design (now OCAD University). For the past 20 years, she has participated in group and solo shows in Canada, the United States and Europe.
Students in the Virtuoso program were introduced to Julie Belair collages and learned about a new art making technique “Photomontage '' which is a collage constructed from photographs. They started their projects by painting a big round shape on their page with a paintbrush and painted a collage paper in green. Next they drew stems and collaged leaves and some flowers, glued some photographs on the bottom and then their Belair inspired collage was then complete.

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Ren Academy of Learning

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Ren Academy of Learning
Artists Bio
13 x 9 cm (h x w)
Mr Shirley's paintings reflect his enthusiasm for warmth, honesty, serenity and authenticity. His use of earthy colour palettes and detailed brushwork act as a signifier of his open and kind nature, and extend a sense of belonging to the viewer. Each painting is a gift of youthful memories, inviting the audience to smell the flowers in the garden, and take a stroll amidst nature with the children and dogs.
Ren Academy of Learning
Boy Mime
23 x 21 in (h x w)
acrylic on canvas
Ren Academy of Learning
The Grand Canal
23 x 21 in (h x w)
acrylic on canvas
Ren Academy of Learning
Blue Bells
24 x 36 in (h x w)
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Ren Academy of Learning