Speed, John. The Kingdome of China.約翰.史畢《中國王國》 , 1626
h = 50, d = 50 cm

Speed, John. The Kingdome of China. London: Are to be sold in Popshead Alley by G. Humble, 1626.
約翰.史畢《中國王國》 ,倫敦:Are to be sold in Popshead Alley by G. Humble,1626。

The first map of China printed in England. Centred on Ming China, it includes Japan as well as the Ile Corea (the "island" of Korea). The Great Wall is depicted on the map, along with several annotations. The decorative panel at the top includes city views of Macao and Qyinzay (Hangzhou, an important missionary centre during the late Ming and early Qing). There are also images of the Chinese “sailing chariots” and crucifixion, a reference to the execution of Christians by the Tokugawa in Japan. The inhabitants of the region are shown at sides, including the costumed figures of Chinese, Japanese soldiers and Pegu (Burmese) men and women.

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Report of the hospital at Ningpo, for 1852; under the Medical Missionary Society in China.《1852年寧波醫院報告》 , 1800-1899
h = 80 cm
Chinese University of Hong Kong Library
Galenus, Aelius. Interpreted and emended by Akakia, Martin. Clavdii Galeni per gameni Ars medica, quae et ars parva.蓋倫著,馬丁﹒阿卡奇亞闡述及修訂《醫學的藝術》 , 1549
h = 80 cm
Chinese University of Hong Kong Library
Celsus, Aulus Cornelius. Avrelii Cornelii Celsi Medicinae liber primvs incipit. 凱爾蘇斯《醫術》 , 1493
h = 80 cm
Chinese University of Hong Kong Library
Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d’ Anville, Nouvel atlas de la Chine, de la Tartarie chinoise, et du Thibet. 丹維爾《中國新地圖集》 , 1737
h = 120 cm
Chinese University of Hong Kong Library
Heures Gothi (Manuscript), late 15 century. 《時禱書》(手稿) 天主教會,十五世紀晚期。
h = 75, d = 50 cm
Chinese University of Hong Kong Library