Galenus, Aelius. Interpreted and emended by Akakia, Martin. Clavdii Galeni per gameni Ars medica, quae et ars parva.蓋倫著,馬丁﹒阿卡奇亞闡述及修訂《醫學的藝術》 , 1549
h = 80 cm

Galenus, Aelius. Interpreted and emended by Akakia, Martin. Clavdii Galeni per gameni Ars medica, quae et ars parva. Venetiis: Vincentii Valgrisii, 1549.
威尼斯:Vincentii Valgrisii,1549

Galen was a prominent Greek physician, philosopher, and writer of the second century AD. His most influential treatise is The Art of Medicine, a Latin translation from Greek. The 1549 edition is prefaced by a dedicatory letter from the translator to his patron, the King of France, and a very useful alphabetical index of the topics covered in the treatise.


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