Henry Mason, George (ed.). The costume of China. 喬治﹒亨利 ﹒梅森編《中國服飾》 , 1800

Henry Mason, George (ed.). The costume of China. London: Printed for W. Miller by S. Gosnell, 1800.
喬治﹒亨利 ﹒梅森編《中國服飾》
倫敦:Printed for W. Miller by S. Gosnell,1800

Published in a bilingual French-English edition, George Henry Mason’s The Costume of China reproduces sixty ethnographic engravings of Chinese people which cover men and women, ranging from officials to commoners, handicraftsmen to entertainers and hawkers to beggars alongside brief descriptions of their lives. This book provided a window onto daily life in China for a curious public in the 19th century. Mason also published another important publication entitled The punishments of China in 1801.

喬治﹒亨利 ﹒梅森《中國服飾》以法英雙語出版,重現60幅中國人的民族志畫像,涵蓋男女老少、官員百姓、販夫走卒、工匠藝人等,並在配文簡要描述他們的生活狀況。這本書為19世紀好奇的歐洲公眾提供了解中國日常生活的渠道。梅森亦於1801年出版《中國刑罰》一書。

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