Evocative Monolith
h = 200 cm

“the lost and found monolith”
Evocative Monolith stands as a testament to the infinite nature of time and the inherent treasures it holds. The heavy structure radiates an aura of timelessness. The structure is light at the top and heavy at the bottom with aged materials along the thick walls of the structure. Various Ramps, Staircases and conveyor belts take you to different viewing decks to find lost treasures.
The Visitor
Each visitor is chosen from different time eras and historic events, drawn to the monolith to confront their past, present, and future. They are invited to step through the gates and enter the timeless expanse within. Once inside, visitors are granted a specific duration, unique to their indizvidual journey. The monolith’s interior becomes a sanctuary, a place for visitors to reconnect with their lost treasures and memories. Within the monolith, treasures abound, ranging from physical objects to intangible memories.
Parasitic Gates
The gates serve as portals connecting different epochs and events throughout history. Each gate represents a distinct era. The gates stand as ephemeral thresholds, allowing visitors to traverse time and space as they step through. Each gate restricts the visitor for a certain amount of time in their increasing order of scales.
Tisha Agrawal
Chengalva Ennamsetti
Rohaan Patel
Vaishnavi Jadhav

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