衛匡國《中國新圖志》Martino Martini, Novus Atlas Sinensis , 1655

衛匡國《中國新圖志》。阿姆斯特丹:瓊 ·布勞 ,1655。

Martino Martini, Novus Atlas Sinensis. Amsterdam: Joan Blaeu, 1655.
The first atlas of China published in Europe

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300 x 150 cm (h x w)
Chinese University of Hong Kong Library
120 x 80 cm (h x w)
Chinese University of Hong Kong Library
120 x 80 cm (h x w)
Chinese University of Hong Kong Library
120 x 80 cm (h x w)
Chinese University of Hong Kong Library
120 x 80 cm (h x w)
Chinese University of Hong Kong Library