Nude on a Draped Couch , 1931
18 x 15.8 in (h x w)

Sloan’s etching references an “academic setting,” wherein a model poses nude for an artist to reuse in later compositions. The model’s overly-contorted stance and tense musculature draws attention away from the supposed sensuousness of a nude, instead highlighting the artificiality of the practice: only in the fantasy realm of art would we stumble upon a naked woman in such an uncomfortable position. (BR)

Ausgestellt von

The Berman Museum of Art

Weitere Kunstwerke von John Sloan (American, 1871-1951)

Memory , 1906
25.8 x 16.3 in (h x w)
Etching, 2 slates
The Berman Museum of Art

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Printmaking | Worldmaking
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The Berman Museum of Art
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The Berman Museum of Art