111 , 2023
154 x 204 x 4 cm (h x w x d)
200000 USD
Solar panels 3D engraved gold wires
for sale

"Sandstorms with charged particles," my grandfather used to caution, "they are the most perilous. Without proper head protection, son, you can be exposed to radiation from these microdrones and satellite frequencies, leading to the degeneration of our brains. Yes, thirty years ago, they predicted that our technologies would ultimately turn against us, but we didn't heed the warning. Climate changes, yes, and Trump's return to power after Biden's passing? What normal country would elect an 81-year-old as President of the United States? They turned a deaf ear.

In 2030, in Phoenix, Arizona, the first sandstorm struck like a tornado. We were unprepared, my son. With countless satellites orbiting Earth, experts claim they will envelop the planet. When the sun erupts, it spells the end – destruction, the loss of the internet, and the necessity to rebuild with my own two hands during the 'dust era,' as we now refer to it. We emerged from dust and transformed into a world of dust. No one had readied us for this.

As President Trump was reelected, the level of particles in the atmosphere reached a point of 'no return.' American people, do not fear. We confronted the Corona pandemic and the 2024 Yemen war; we are unafraid of these charged electric particles. Who would believe that these accursed 'Yeti' would launch an atomic bomb from space, crashing into the sea, attempting to attack the US, those scoundrels, with the aid of their allies?

"Grandpa, have you taken your memory pills?" The doctors warn that after 120 years without them, memory will deteriorate. I am wearing my antiparticles helmet, and I am covered in green auto-repair material on my knees, with clothing designed to repel electrical particles. I am not afraid of dust particles."

Ausgestellt von

Philippe Bouaziz

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