MoonColony2050 , 2023
154 x 204 x 4 cm (h x w x d)
100000 USD
Space material

In the futuristic setting of MoonColony2050, amidst a dome reminiscent of an Earth-like glass sphere, we find ourselves at the Spring II Runway, a fashion event named poetically to reflect the colony's engineered seasons—a simulation of summer, then spring, followed by the harsh reality of a lunar winter. Life here is a challenge, governed by the whims of this strange and artificial climate, yet there is a sense of fortune among the colonists to exist within this terrestrial bubble.
The colony's ruler, referred to as the king, has grand plans to expand our living quarters, proposing the construction of a second spherical habitat connected to our current one. I harbor skepticism about this ambitious project; will it truly solve our issues, like increasing the food supply as promised?
The construction is underway, with builder robots laboring tirelessly, day and night. They are powered by uranium batteries, a source of seemingly infinite energy, as the king proclaims. Yet, who tends to these mechanical workers when they falter? It is I—a woman, an engineer, trained at an elite university, appointed to maintain these sentinels of progress.
Within the administration's directives, there's a decree that we must always dress in our finery, adorned in reflective garments designed to repel the pervasive lunar dust. These clothes are inspired by the lotus leaf, their surfaces repelling particles with the same efficiency. Beneath the shimmering layers of my scientific attire, my blouse is not just a piece of clothing; it is a shield, a statement of elegance, and a testament to our resilience in the face of an environment that is both our home and our challenge.

Ausgestellt von

Philippe Bouaziz

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