LANDSCAPE Honorable mention

For many years I’ve been dedicated to photographing the Prosecco hills of Conegliano and Valdobbiadene, which in 2019 became a Unesco World Heritage Site.
The fog on top of those hills is a rare phenomenon.
It was a grey and foggy morning of November but only by moving closer to the top of the hills I realized that from there the sun was shining through the clouds. From that view the hills seemed like islands in a sea of fog.
I was particularly intrigued by that ruin in the middle of the vineyards, surrounded by the fog that was about to dissolve. Just a few minutes later all the landscape changed completely.
Setup and technique I shoot raw files with a Nikon D850 with the lens Nikkor AFD180f2,8 , 125 ISO,1/500 sec at f8.
Colour editing from raw file and conversion in Black and White from Jpge file.

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Curated by Photographos Magazine