NUDE 1st prize

London 1980. Still a student. I was absolutely excited about photography and I knew that it was going to be my future occupation. I was taking photos all the time trying various techniques. During that period I was sharing a house with a friend of mine. The day this photo was taken, I entered her room to give her the laundry basket. She was sitting on the bed putting her make-up on and I saw that the light was just perfect. So I asked her to turn her face away from the camera as I was not interested in it but in her body as a sculpture theme in a synthesis.
Kodak negative film

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Ρόδος: Ακραμύτης, Αρμενιστής, Αττάβυρος, (Καραβόλα - Όρμος Γλυφάδας) | Rodos: Akramytis, Armenistis, Attavyros, (Karavola - Ormos Glyfada) (GR4210005)
h = 60 cm
Curated by Photographos Magazine
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h = 60 cm
Curated by Photographos Magazine
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h = 60 cm
Curated by Photographos Magazine
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h = 60 cm
Curated by Photographos Magazine