850 GBP
OIl on canvas, 80cm x 80cm
for sale

The artist uses painting and mixed media to re-assemble images and abstractions to help reflect
aspects of the world that surrounds us. He works on oil paintings that are based upon abstract
constructions of shapes with bold colour sequences. The work helps the viewer understand a
visual language that references nuances from abstract painting and pattern design. The
paintings offer a view into a whole world of inter-connected shapes that use both curved and
straight lines, helping to enliven interest and impact. When exploring themes and concepts he
often frees himself from limitations and explores different possibilities for one work, or a series of
Taking care of the preparation for the creative process, the artist considers ideas surrounding
geographical exploration and discovery. He investigates imagery that may communicate and
relate to the viewer, and he explores practical elements to painting and draughtsmanship,
leaning towards a stimulating process.
Wills has exhibited around the UK and graduated from the Fine Arts course at The University of
the West of England in Bristol.

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