Bathe Me in Light and Surround Me in Softness
28 x 46 in (h x w)
850 USD
Oil, acrylic, holographic plastic wrap, glitter, clear gel medium, cloth scraps, colored pencil, and gel pen on dyed unstretched canvas
for sale

My work explores themes of surrealism, Black femininity, beauty, and escapism. Painting portraits of Black people has always been to create a space for Black figures to exist in a soft, complex light with additional storytelling and mythmaking that are only applicable to our Black experience. I portray my figures in fantastical moments and sublime environments that translate into real world social issues, surrounding feelings of alienation. I take inspiration from the natural world and parallel the Black femme experience with survival stories about being lost in the woods. I found it best to represent Black womanhood as a way of being lost in the wilderness exploring the connection between human nature and a sense of identity. With the use of a saturated color pallet, I create a dreamlike and animated world for the naked eye for the viewer to imagine a world filled with whimsy for Black people.

Mehr von Touchstone Gallery, since 1976

Happening as Human
74 x 21 x 90 in (h x w x d)
Scrap lumber and plywood
Touchstone Gallery, since 1976
Looking Beyond the Veil
24 x 8 x 6 in (h x w x d)
Stoneware clay, underglaze and underglaze pen, oil paint
Touchstone Gallery, since 1976
60 x 28 in (h x w)
Extruded Iron Filament, Tea
Touchstone Gallery, since 1976
37 x 29 x 1 in (h x w x d)
Touchstone Gallery, since 1976
But, I Ate All My Veggies
36 x 24 x 2 in (h x w x d)
Oil on wooden panel
Touchstone Gallery, since 1976