My Renaissance
200 GBP
PHOTOGRAPHY, with some retouching in Photoshop, Digital but can be printed in approx A4
for sale

As an ethnic minority born, raised and living in Britain, sometimes it can be challenging to find representation. Growing up, I saw few heroines, leaders and role models in the media that looked like me. Yet, with the power of photography, I can reinvent how I see myself. Instead of blending out of view as a perpetual wallflower, I now reclaim my voice by creating imagery that channels the doomed and powerful alike. I created these during the pandemic, when I felt diminished given the prejudice experienced by East and Southeast Asians in light of COVID-19 fuelled hate. By taking the myths and legends, as well as the fairytales and folklore of the country in which I was born, I fuse it with my image and challenge my own eye to believe what I could not grasp as a youth: that I can create my own stories and be my own main character. The series features self-portraits which help me confront my place in the UK and identity as a Chinese diaspora: I am forced to claim an agency all my own as a creator. I have taken control of my image and given myself up completely to the world of reinvention.

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