Ae , 2023
2480 GBP
SCULPTURE, PLASTER, Charcoal paint, and Dyed Gauze, 33 x 13 dia. cm
for sale

Ruby Chen was born in 2001 in Shanghai, China, and currently resides in New York, United States. She is an emerging multidisciplinary artist specializing in sculptures inspired by prehistoric vessels and brutalist architecture. Chen’s artistic endeavors delve into the internal clash between the human primal instincts and the pursuit of technological advancements. In her “Modifications” series, she sculpts wearable pieces directly onto her body, purposefully rendering certain body parts functionally constrained. The “Vessels” series constructs modern interpretations of primitive tools. In line with their non-functional nature, these pieces exude a faux futuristic aesthetic. Chen’s works were a part of the Komune group exhibition, with a new body of work exhibiting at the LUmkA gallery in December, 2023.

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