Johan , 2024
3750 USD
Graphite, 9x12
for sale

Johan was a neighbor
And a friend of mine
Gay as a blade and
A queen I’d say
With penile candles
And every bit the artist
He could turn a pigsty
Into a palace
Just give him
A moment

All the way from Germany
He came to live in a house
Behind a house
in Hollywood
Renting from a Jew
who made Johan’s life
as miserable
as possible

What karma
I’d think
They must have
sown a deal
In another lifetime
For they were always
At each other
landlord over tenant

Then one day
After 23 years
The landlord sold the house
And Johan had to move
He had nowhere to go
And barely hobbled by
On a paycheck here
And a paycheck there

When the move out
day dawned, he’d
masterminded a plan
Moving in with his friends
While caretaking the oldest
But that was a short resolve

Things became sticky
As sticky things do
And Johan grew a tumor in his head
He had one, two, three surgeries
Removing the poisons
as they continued to
All the while
Sticky kept getting stickier
And Johan was looking
For an option
Knowing he’d need one soon

Things became sticky
As sticky things do
And Johan grew a tumor in his head
He had one, two, three surgeries
Removing the poisons
as they continued to
All the while
Sticky kept getting stickier
And Johan was looking
For an option
Knowing he’d need one soon

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