h = 200 cm

It’s Covid-19 period and people are forced to spend as much time as possible at home. But some are working for them outside: bringing every type of food to their flat, in any weather conditions and at any moment. At the same time, due to their bad and unfair work conditions, they are starting to be aware of the lack of rights and are trying to draw the attention of the media.
Our work dwells on the Italian investigations opened in 2019 regarding the accusation of “caporalato” (illegal recruitment and exploitation of workers) against people working as riders and the class action opened in the United States regarding the thousands of complaints of sexual harassment against employees.
The brief documentary underlines the huge distorsion of values and shows the common aspects and experiences that are lived by both food delivery workers and prostitutes.
Why are governments not still looking at these work categories? Are people aware of these conditions of exploitation? And you, what will you do?

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Art Thinking Network

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