Goodfellow Wall

We Are The Goodfellow Way

We embrace and empower our people.

Our workfellows are family. We assume each member of our team has positive intent in an effort to establish an authentic relationship. We care about their well-being beyond the workplace, and strive to positively influence our fellow employee’s physical, spiritual, and financial wellness.

We hire smart, ethical, hard-working people and believe in providing a challenging, fun and engaging work environment. The best work memories come from the times we’ve worked hard to make the impossible, possible.

We provide mentoring and training so that anyone and everyone can reach their potential; training and mentoring lead to knowledge and empowerment, a vital part of our culture.

We treat each other with the highest respect regardless of the rank or role within the company.

We collaborate within and across teams to create the most effective solutions; diversity in thought leads to the best outcomes.

We earn our customers’ trust every day.

When in doubt, do what is best for the client. Give the extra one percent.

We seek to understand our customers’ needs. In our first interaction, we ask their needs and expectations, and continually follow up to ensure we exceed them. We are committed to their satisfaction and hold our relationship in the highest regard.

As solution providers, we strive to make the invisible, visible, through a deep understanding of our clients and the unique challenges they face.

We tell the “kind” truth. We are not afraid to gently confront our clients with the truth, even when it may be difficult to hear.

We practice the human touch. We listen for, and pay attention to, what makes people unique. Examples include: handwritten notes, personal cards and timely phone calls to acknowledge their specialness.

We strive to be respected corporate citizens in our communities.

It is our duty and responsibility to help those in need in our communities. We recognize that all we have is by God’s grace, so we look for ways to share these gifts to benefit others in a meaningful way.

We believe the more we give, the more we receive. We encourage employees to give back and are happy to support them when we can be of assistance.

We build lasting relationships by getting involved in our community, keeping in mind it takes generations to build a reputation; one bad act can destroy it.

We are not afraid to run towards the fire when disaster strikes. We have unique tools and expertise to assist our communities in an emergency.

We act with integrity and do the right thing, even when no one is watching. Regardless of where we are or what we may be doing, we represent our team. It is both an honor and a responsibility.

We are committed to build our company’s future.

We make decisions that reflect a reverence to long-term relationships; our focus is not on quarterly results, but rather the long-term success and health of our team and organization, and the legacy we leave behind on every project.

We do the job, whatever it takes.

We challenge ourselves to be better, using mistakes to learn and improve. We take risks and measure our results. We think creatively and protect the company.

We embrace technology and change and understand that technology and progress should never replace human touch and interaction.

We communicate openly, remembering if the person closest to the action understands the firm-wide impact, he or she will have the best opportunity to make the right decision.

We live our safety culture and expect our partners to do the same.

We protect ourselves and others to honor the people that love us.

We take the time to learn and support our safety programs.

We know that if we see a hazard, we have the responsibility to correct it.

We believe a safe work environment is a right for all employees.

We provide the best medical care and help so every injured employee can get healthy as quickly as possible.

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Goodfellow Bros.

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New Exhibit
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