Egon Holländer

"Then came the British troops. When they freed us, I was almost dead. What I can still remember is the piles of corpses. Nobody can forget this"
„A little white-skinned Slavonic person of about six years old lay very quietly in his cot. He neither moved nor spoke. He had had typhus; he was all skin and bones.“ Excerpt from the book Straight On by Robert Collis, a pediatrician who saved Egon Holländer (born in Martin, today’s Slovakia, in 1938) after his liberation from Bergen-Belsen. Egon Holländer’s mother Elisabeth died there of typhus; she was 34 years old. As the troops of the Warsaw Pact suppressed the 1968 Prague Spring, Egon Holländer, who had a degree in engineering, fled to Zurich. He became a corporate executive in the technology industry. He is married, has two daughters and three grandchildren.

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Gamaraal Foundation

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