Abya Yala Feminista , 2018
200 x 280 cm (h x w)
appliqué and embroidery with extra textual embellishments

This piece is comprised of fabric scraps of cloth and embroidered writing. It also has little three dimensional dolls on the surface of the material. It was a collaboration between Brazilian and Chilean embroiderers. Abya Yala was the original name for the region that came to be known as America following the conquest of the Americas by the Spaniards. Abya Yala means 'Land in Full Maturity' or 'Strong blooded land'. The arpillera represents the resistance of Latin American women against processes of colonialism and the grip of neoliberalism. The arpillera was a collective creation, made to be taken on a march commemorating international women's day on the 8th of March 2018.

La pieza fue diseñada con bordadoras brasileñas y chilenas. Abya Yala es el nombre con que se denominaba el territorio que después de la colonización de los españoles conocemos como América. Abya Yala significa “Tierra en plena madurez” o “Tierra de sangre vital”. La arpillera representa la resistencia de las mujeres en América Latina ante los procesos de colonización y de la depredación neoliberal. Arpillera confeccionada colectivamente para marchar el 8 de Marzo; Día Internacional de la Mujer

Ausgestellt von

Lorna Dillon

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Yo decido… , 2017
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Abya Yala Feminista , 2018
200 x 280 cm (h x w)
appliqué and embroidery with extra textual embellishments
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'En stock' ¿Quién los protege? - ´In Stock´. Who protects them? , 2017
140 x 210 cm (h x w)
Embroidery, applique and arpillera dolls on fabric
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Memorarte Arpilleras Urbanas
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