Freedmens Hospital Surgery , ca. 1942

Freedmens Hospital, the predecessor of Howard University Hospital.

Weitere Kunstwerke von Edward Fletcher

Armstrong High School , 1947
Washington DC: City of Interest, City of Change
Cardozo Beauty School , 1946
Washington DC: City of Interest, City of Change
Pearl Bailey & husband, John R. Pinkett, Jr. , 1947
Washington DC: City of Interest, City of Change
Scale model of Barry Farms planned for Anacostiia , ca. 1944
Washington DC: City of Interest, City of Change

Mehr von Washington DC: City of Interest, City of Change

Booker T. Washington Day Parade , 1947
Washington DC: City of Interest, City of Change
Washington DC Riots , 1968
Washington DC: City of Interest, City of Change
Waashington DC Riots , 1968
Washington DC: City of Interest, City of Change
Washington DC Riots , 1986
Washington DC: City of Interest, City of Change
Washington DC Riots , 1968
Washington DC: City of Interest, City of Change