Jewellery Planet , 2020
9 x 14 in (h x w)

ManYue is the celebration of a newborn's first month and a gift would be given in the shape of a locket, with the hope of “tying” the baby to this world. Influenced by my mother, Jewellery has grown to be come something I use as a symbol of my loved ones.

Mehr von Massachusetts College of Art and Design

40 x 28.6 in (h x w)
Mixed media
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Packing The Jeep , 2021
16 x 20 in (h x w)
Oil on canvas
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
ID , 2021
24 x 36 in (h x w)
Printmaking - Collograph
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Locked/Loose , 2021
24 x 18 in (h x w)
Cast Handmade Paper Pulp
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Apple of My Eye , 2021
35 x 20 in (h x w)
Massachusetts College of Art and Design