The Descendant Project , 2021
32 x 57 x 3.5 in (h x w x d)

My allegorical work critiques the public and Institutional pursuit of decolonization, diversity, and equity through the exploitation and commodification of IBPOC labour. This piece is the remnants of a decolonized Canadian history book filled mixed media portraits, pictures, facts, and stories. The installation of the books ashes and bibliography illustrates the contradictions, protests these conditions, and demands change.

This performance video documents the sacrifice of destroying this piece to highlight some of the many issues facing IBPOC individuals. It is a rejection of the racialized commodity; it is the prevention of institutional blind spots and dismantling the exploitation of IBPOC labour through requests of education. This act of destruction by fire also highlights a deeper conceptual meaning; It allows the audience the opportunity to place themselves within our shoes, objectifying feelings of frustration, trauma, and grief by the refusal of access to the content of the book. This information, like many of our histories, is lost to them. Their only opportunity to obtain this information is through never-ending work. It also allows for resurgence and rebirth, acknowledging the traditional cycle of knowledge and ceremony. Through storytelling, I can share the experience and knowledge gained through this work. “I held onto this book for as long as I could, even though I thought I should have held on longer, I had no choice but to let go.”

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